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Great Reads

Moving Mountains - praying with passion, confidence and authority.

John Eldredge


If you are interested in prayer at all—you want prayer that works. John Eldredge shows us that prayer is not just asking God to do something—prayer is partnership with God and thus new possibilities open up before us. As God’s adopted children we are given the authority of Jesus Christ. John shows that not only do we have a greater role in prayer than we ever thought—we have greater power too.


This immensely practical book is born from years of John’s experience. It is presented in a tender, loving, frank and instructive manner that teachers us the ways of powerful prayer. We all long for change in our lives. We all hope for something different in our lives. We know we have a role in bringing about such changes … that role is prayer and with God we can move mountains!

Since becoming a Christian in my mid-thirties, I recognized how little I knew about an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ my Saviour. I had been a church-goer all my life which set me on a firm-faith foundation however, once I realised there was more - I wanted MORE! And so I began to explore ... reading Christian books, finding prayers that were not in the denomination's prayer book, discovering a genre of Christian music that actually assisted in the memorization of Scripture and encountering the worth of testimony.


This blog-site has grown out of those years wherein I led many small groups of hungry Christian women to begin to discover their own 'MORE'. I have gathered prayers, reading resources and workshop content that eventually I will publish here. Where possible I will acknowledge the source of the material if it is not my own intellectual property.


As I settle into this new blog-site endeavour I intend to invite friends as contributors so that the content of this encouragement site is deepened - just as we are deepening our relationship with Jesus on a daily basis. This site is a daily endeavour in which new content will be added to prompt your personal reflection, prayer, praise and exploration ... exploration of the Scriptures and of your life journey to ensure that 'no moss grows under any stones' of your past.


Jesus Christ came to set us free and as Christian women that freedom is what we cherish and treasure seeking to maintain it without spot or blemish.

Prayers to Ponder

I am a closet pray-er! And I am a hoarder of ... prayer resources!


I will share my favourites with you and encourage you to share your favourites with us.


Prayer is my practice and I seek to become 'more practiced' in prayer. I need help and I have found wonderful prayer resources that enlarge my prayer thinking and my prayer vocabulary ... prayer is a never-ending exciting adventure on my journey with Jesus.

Telling Testimonies

Our stories are an integral part of our Journey with Jesus. We celebrate our milestones with Him. We testify to His Goodness and Mercy in our lives.


Together we will present mini-testimonies so as to inspire others to begin writing their lifestory. We have much to be thankful for and sharing our story is just one way to give thanks to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

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