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Sharing our Stories

Perhaps the hardest part about telling one's story is getting started ... and of course, there are many 'false starts' to the preparation.

I will share some resources that have helped me along the way. There are as many ways to tell one's story as there are stories to tell. Making a purposeful start is one good way!

I walked into a Christian bookstore in Adelaide South Australia in 1996 looking for one such book and of course there was one that 'jumped off the shelf' for me! In fact there was a series of books that caught my eye. Not only was I captivated by the cover I soon fell in love with the content.


Spiritual Storytelling by Richard Peace (NavPress) brings the art of spiritual autobiography to life for us. He guides us to discover, write and tell the story of how God is at work in one's life. And yes! This includes the ups and downs, twists and turns and leaps of faith we encounter on our spiritual pilgrimage.

It is a great starting point in your preparation for telling your story.

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