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Welcome to Dailies!

John 12:24 (NRSV) — 24 Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

The dandelion is a wonderful image for us as Christian women as we walk our life journey.

Many of us are walking through challenging circumstances in our lives and this image is an example of lest a seed die and fall to the ground it cannot receive new life! And of course we all know that the butterfly signifies the new life that emerges from constraint and darkness.

Each one of us is at a different stage on our life journey ... some of us are being blessed with great triumphs after many years of trial. Others are in the midst of chaos and turmoil faithfully pushing through to the victory that we know awaits us. Others are cheerfully plodding on awaiting the breakthrough that is promised in God's Word.

Whatever is your current circumstance know that each one of us is alongside of you in your journey—weeping with those who mourn, rejoicing with those who rejoice, and walking with you, just as did the disciples on the Road to Emmaus who walked with Jesus without really knowing He was right there.

In the midst of our circumstance we often are unaware of our beloved Constant Companion—Holy Trinity—God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I pray that these daily blogs and book and prayer resources on this site serve to remind you that you are not alone for Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, is with you every step of the way. He is our Immanuel—God with us. His Purpose is to transform each of us more and more into His Image to the glory of His wonderful Name! My purpose is to constantly remind you of that magnificent fact!

In my own life, I have had to shed many seeds in order for them to be transformed into the new life I now have. It has added a chapter of ‘glory’ to my story—Journeying with Jesus. I pray that participating in Dailies you will also grow in a greater awareness of how our Lord is shaping your life and molding your character to become more like Him as we shine like stars in the world—bringing glory to God!

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