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The Wonder of the Wilderness ...

Isaiah 35:1 (NLT) Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses.

Jesus speaks:

Be alert! ‘Wilderness Ahead’!

I’m preparing you for something more, but I can’t give you more when you’re full to the brim of the old you that you don’t need anymore—which sometimes I must prise from your grasp because you have held it so long that you can’t release—until I invite you to walk with Me: talk with Me in the dryness of your soul … and that’s where the freedom begins—and that’s where new life is birthed.

Seeds don’t grow in a garden of hurry and scurry and hurly-burly—

seeds of fruition grow in the dark before the light shines upon them and

invites them into the air and the sunshine for all to see and watch the new growth.

And that’s what My Wilderness is for My People whom I call forth to be ‘new’ in Me.

Change and transformation are constants in life just as My Mercies are new every day—

the ‘same old same old’ becomes dry, stale and dead—like the parched clay-pan of the heart that can only truly be revived by time in the wilderness with Me.

And what wonders do then emerge! And the crocuses burst forth and sing!

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