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Trust in the Lord!

Psalm 37:3–4 (NLT) — 3 Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Trust in Me: as the earthquake breaks open the walls of granite, so also am I able to break through the seemingly impenetrable barriers for you: for nothing is impossible with Me!

Trust in Me: it is I who placed this dream in your heart—it is I who will bring it to fruition; believe and do not doubt: for nothing is impossible with Me!

Trust in Me: as the gentle waters fall into the wider pond and over the edge to gush into a waterfall, so will be My Actions in your life. Gentle strength shall prevail and abundance will overflow: for nothing is impossible with Me!

Trust in Me: treasure your dreams—for they are precious in My Sight; act in faith that all the plans laid out thus far will come to fruition in My Name. Challenge the blocks and move on as I lead you. Prepare to walk the path I have paved for you and fulfill My Purposes—rejoice in My Name!

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