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The Road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13–16 (NLT) That same day two of Jesus’ followers were walking to the village

of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem.

14 As they walked along they were talking about everything that had happened.

15 As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them.

16 But God kept them from recognizing him.

Today we embark on a new approach to our Dailies!

Together we have trodden an old familiar path ... now we are being called to move onto a new path.

This is the path of newness of life!

The path of stepping out of what we have known into what we don't yet know.

However, we DO know Who is walking alongside of us ... it is He Whom we seek to see afresh through our remade spiritual eyes.

As we journey together with Him we are prompted to record our journey in our journals.

This is the day of new beginnings!

Rejoice! He is with us! He is Immanuel!


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