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Dry bones ... breathe!

After the valley comes the victory.

Many years ago I penned a piece based on Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Valley of Dry Bones. It was a deep, thoughtful, long piece written as a reading for individual voices entitled Dry Bones—Breathe!

It spoke about life being sucked from one's bones and leaving one feeling utterly dead and desolate until ... Yahweh Majestic strides into the desolate valley and breathes new life - Pentecost Life - into the dry bones and they breath anew.

Voice 5:

I am the Breath that renews and ignites; that Breath that restores and connects—the dry bones to sinews; the sinews to joints; the Breath that breathes only New Life.

I encourage you today to reflect on those valley experiences you have had in your life to see how our Loving God has restored new life in you to sustain you for the next part of your journey ... because after each valley comes the victory!

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