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After the wilderness ...

After the wilderness come the miracles.

Psalm 130:1 (NLT) From the depths of despair, O Lord, I call for your help.

The wilderness: a time of waiting, watching and wondering. A time of feeling alone yet knowing you are not alone. A time of being parched, dry, hungry and thirsty - spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, or relationally … bereft and not seeing the end in sight. A time of crying out to God and hearing nothing in return - or so you think. But deep within you your heart is hearing and your spirit is stirring in response to the depth of your inner pain - the reality of your pain that can no longer be hidden. When you face that reality that is the moment when God steps in and you realise He is there and He knows everything about you and He loves you still!

Psalm 18:16 (NLT) He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters.

The miracle: the recognition: the awe and wonder of your encounter with the Living God … in so many ways in response to so many situations but always the right response for each person. Therein lies the miracle … He knows you! He loves you! He has a plan and purpose for you! And now He can begin to reveal it to you because you know that He knows and it is all going to be put right. God bless you as you seek your miracle today!

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