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Blessed latter days ...

Job 42:12a (NRSV) The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; … …

Job 42:12a (NLT) So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. … …

What are your ‘blessed latter days’?

What has gone before these days that perhaps seemed ‘less-blessed’?

Our lives are made up of seasons ... change ... transitions in which former things pass away and new things begin to emerge.

For me, my former days were of earthly inner-chaos

whereas in my maturing years I have been blessed with inner-healing that has seen peace restored and spiritual life renewed. I await with eager expectation the outworking of these latter-day-blessings Papa God has promised and prepared for me.

Today I declare that …

Our mouths are anointed with the Power of God Almighty!

God has released His Favour upon us through His Amazing Anointing of Restoration!

God is ushering in a new season of growth and we will be open to change

and not become stagnant and hold on to the old.

God has something better in front of us ...

new doors of opportunity, new relationships and new levels of favour.

Loving Father, You ARE working in ALL things for Your Glory and our good!

You ARE working all things together after the counsel of Your Will!

You ARE summing up all things IN Christ!

Thank You. Amen.

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