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Restoration is at hand!

The Promise of Restoration!

Joel 2:25a (NRSV) I will repay you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten … Joel 2:25a (NLT) 25 “I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts,… … Joel 2:25 (The Message) “I’ll make up for the years of the locust, the great locust devastation—locusts savage, locusts deadly, fierce locusts, locusts of doom, that great locust invasion ... Joel 2:25 (NCV) ... those swarming locusts and hopping locusts, the destroying locusts and the cutting locusts that ate your crops—I will pay you back for those years of trouble.

Our Loving Lord Jesus knows just how much the locusts have eaten in our lives … land / homes / health / possessions / relationships / time / talent / treasure / finances. In some cases we have even lost our name. However, whatever the locust has eaten in our lives we can trust Jesus to repay us in greater measure than we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Even before we see the outcome with our physical eyes we can thank Jesus for the total restoration of ALL things we have ever lost. We can thank Him for obliterating the wastings of our past. We can thank God that He is the ALL Consuming Fire Who burns away ALL that was flammable in our lives. He not only gives us back what we lost but He makes all things new! He restores the years the locusts have eaten and leaves us as His Precious Vessel holding His Spirit—the Precious Treasure within. We are His Jars of Clay.

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