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The Promise of New Life!

The Promise of Newness of Life! Isaiah 43:19a (NRSV) I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Our Lord always has unprecedented new things planned and purposed for our lives that reflect His wonderful character. Just as with a germinating plant the growth is silent, certain and gradual. Just as growing plants requires preparation, growing us into His Image requires preparation. Papa God will not put new wine into old wineskins. The pressure would be too much and disaster would ensue. He must do something significant in your life now to see you throw off the old in order to embrace the new. In His Word He graciously gives us a hint of what He is doing … I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? He is preparing you for the new … allow Him to do His Work fully in you so that you can put on your new nature and be renewed as you grow into your image of Christ.

This promise in Isaiah is fulfilled in the New Testament. ... Jesus! The new thing is happening IN you! Not only will you be prepared but

you will also need to be pre-prayered!

Pray constantly for this new thing to be revealed to you and rejoice IN Him!

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