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The Promise of Provision!

The Promise of Provision! Philippians 4:19 (NRSV) And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (The Message) You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His Generosity exceeding even yours in the Glory that pours from Jesus.

Have you or your children ever been left begging for bread? Have you or your children ever been homeless or in the dire circumstances of extreme poverty? No! Our God is good, especially to those who revere Him, honouring Him with their life, love and prayer. Our promise today states that God will fully supply ALL your needs according to His Riches IN Christ Jesus. This is a specific promise that those who are faithful and devoted to Christ will never suffer lack. I read a description of v19 today that likens it to ‘a note drawn upon the bank of faith’ …

My God—the name of the Banker … Shall supply—the promise to pay … All your need—the value of the note … According to His riches—the capital of the bank … In glory—the address of the bank … By Christ Jesus—the signature without which the note is worthless.

Amazing! Yes! God our Father knows your needs but have you listed them/itemised them so that you can check them off as they are supplied to you? Fully satisfy—think about that today. How does God fully satisfy you? Are you fully satisfied? If not, why not? Is it an attitudinal matter or a matter of not having because you have not asked? James 4:2b (NRSV) …. You do not have, because you do not ask. Today, meditate on what fully satisfy means to you and present your case to God in your prayer closet. He loves to have you ask for that which He loves to give! Be prepared to be abundantly blessed!

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