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The Name - HaShem!

Exodus 34:5 (NRSV) The Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the Name, “The Lord.”

The Message: God descended in the cloud and took up His Position there beside him and called out the Name, God.

NLT: Then the Lord came down in a cloud and stood there with him; and he called out His Own Name, Yahweh.

The Names of God used in the Bible act as a road map for learning about the character of God. The Names He chooses in scripture are meant to reveal His true nature to us.

Essential to our ability to glorify God is the knowledge of God and knowing Him personally in view of that knowledge. Giving glory to God is tied in with the knowledge of God (revelation of God),

and knowing God personally (response to God).

We know Who God is and what God is like, not only by His perfections and works by His Names.

They tell us many things about God’s care and concern for us. This is one of the fascinating studies of Scripture. In this Dailies series we will explore just a few of God’s Names … it just a taste of what has resulted in an ongoing research-joy for me for the past 20 years! 😊

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