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Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

Jehovah Shalom—God of Peace

Ephesians 6:15 (NRSV) As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.

Loving Heavenly Father, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, by faith I put on the shoes of the gospel of peace. I accept Your declaration that I am justified and have peace with You and that Your Peace surpasses all understanding.

May my mind grasp this wondrous Truth with ever-increasing joy and awareness.

Thank You for the promise that every place my foot shall tread becomes holy ground because it is sanctified unto You.

Thank You that my feet are ‘beautiful feet’ for they bring the gospel of peace wherever I walk—they bring Your Good News!

I wear the shoes of peace with confidence and courage in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by faith I walk in them this day. Amen.

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