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Helmet of Salvation

Elohe Tishuathi—God of Salvation

Ephesians 6:17a (NRSV) Take the helmet of salvation,…

Papa God! By faith I take the helmet of salvation. I recognise that my salvation is the Person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I cover my mind with Him—His Mind is within me. I pray that His Thoughts transform my thoughts this day and every day—I open my mind fully and only to the control of our beloved Holy Spirit. Thank You that I am empowered to take captive every thought bringing them to obey Jesus! I reject every projected thought, emotion and warfare of the evil one and his demons. Thank You for granting me Your Wisdom to discern the things from the world, the flesh and the dark dominion of the enemy of my soul. I praise You, Heavenly Father, that I may know the Mind of Christ as I hide Your Word within my heart. Open my mind to love Your Word. May Your Word be ever over my mind like a helmet of strength through which the projected thoughts of the evil one cannot penetrate. Forgive me for my neglect & failure to aggressively take the joy of Your Salvation that is always available to me. These things I lay before You in the Precious Name of my Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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